So…let me just go ahead and say that I LOVE New Year’s :) Not because I’m partyin’ it up on NYE…unless you consider sparkling cider, my sofa, and MTV a party…but I love it because it gives us a chance to start all over. Such a great time to reflect and make resolutions and ohmiword…I’ve got a few! I thought I’d go ahead and share those with y’all and then share a *little* freebie :)
This has been one of those years. I’m sure you can tell by the lack of my blogging :) Between my very spirited class, my even more spirited boys, a husband that works nights, and domestic duties, this little blog has been pushed aside. I’m sure it doesn’t help that I’m also trying to maintain my personal blog AND my domestic blog, too. My personal blog is my journal…the random stories of our little life…and I don’t want to slack on that one, so I’ll be keeping up with that one a lot more often! But I also LOVE this little blog. I love all the opportunities it’s thrown my way and all the WONDERFULLY TALENTED, AMAZING teachers/friends I’ve met through it. And keeping up with it has really helped me stay on track in my own classroom, too!
I’ve been SO blessed by so many of you in SO many different ways. Your comments, your emails, your posts, your ideas, your funny stories, your creativity, your sharhing hearts, your vulnerability…everything!! I’ve loved meeting some of y’all in real life and feeling like I’ve known you since forever. I’ve loved meeting some of y’all just through comments/emails and feeling the same way. This little blog…and ALL of you…have been such a blessing to me :)
In 2012, I plan on…
*Commenting more. I have a little over 100{ish} teaching related blogs I read through Google Reader every day. I catch up on my phone mostly…while I’m sitting in traffic, cooking dinner, bathing my boys, etc. The bad thing about Google Reader is that it’s made me terribly lazy. I haven’t visited blogs in a LONG time, so I’ve been slacking in the comment department. BUT, I’m changing that in 2012. I’m always so appreciative and grateful when y’all comment on my blog and I definitely want y’all to know that I’m lovin’ reading what you’re posting, too! So…I’m definitely going to get better at that. Will somebody hold me accountable, please?! Rachelle?!?! Where are you?!?! HA!
*Returning emails. I’m not even gonna get into this because my email is a sad, sad place. So unattended. I’m so overwhelmed by emails that I’ve been behind for a long time now. If you’ve emailed me and haven’t heard back, I’m sorry…for real. As you can tell, I’m extremely long winded and way to wordy, so those are the kind of emails I want to send back when you write. If I can’t sit down and send you a “talkative” email, I keep putting it off until I can. Now I’ve dug myself into a hole and can’t get out. I’m wiping the slate clean and starting from scratch. I just can’t get to them all, so I’m deleting my inbox. If you email me again…starting now…I promise I’ll get back to you right away :)
*Updating my sidebar. Like I said, I haven’t visited blogs in forever…mine included. I’ve been meaning to update my sidebar with links to more blogs and I’ve just been so dang lazy.
*Being more consistent with my Wandering Wednesday posts. Darnit! I started off so great, but then I just got so busy!!! This year has been wild, but I’m determined to get back on track!
*Post more freebies. Starting now…
Here’s a little {42 page} freebie just for you :) I’ll need something to keep my kids busy when they come barreling through my door on the 3rd, so here are a few activities I’m using to keep them on task. You can click the picture to download it or head on over to my TpT shop and pick it up there {for free}. Hope this helps get your new year off to a great start!!!
For those of you that have asked about my Winter Math & Literacy center packs, those will be uploaded this weekend!! I’m still visiting with my in-laws up north, so I’m knee deep in family time and trying to savor every minute of this WAY too short vacation. Hope y’all are having a very BLESSED holiday and I’ll see y’all next year :) HA! Couldn’t resist ;)