Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Writer’s Workshop Anchor Charts
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
First Week Fun!
Hey sweet friends! We’re on the 2nd week here and ohmiword…exhaustion doesn’t even BEGIN to cover it :) I’m LOVING my class of 21 littles…they’re PRECIOUS. And full of spunk.
Our first day was a total BLUR. The only thing I remember is our annual first day flag raising…and that’s only because I have pictures of it! HA! No really, it was hot as sin outside…and it was only 8:30…so that’s a little hard to forget :) This is one of my favorite little school traditions. The school’s namesake comes out to say a few words to everyone….our principal says a few things too…there’s a grade level roll call with loud cheers from all the kids & teachers…the boy scouts raise the flag….we say the pledge{s}…and then we head back inside to start the year :)
When we weren’t talking rules and practicing procedures, we were engaged in fun first week activities from Abby’s Fun With Firsties Unit. SO much fun! Hands down, my kids’ favorite activity was Jitter Juice!!! SO yum!
We also made the cutest little time capsules. The kids LOVED this one! We stamped & dated their itty handprints, measured their height with yarn, and then we had them fill out a little first day info sheet with their self portrait on the back.
We rolled ‘em, wrapped ‘em up in tissue paper, and gave them all “Do Not Open ‘til June 2011” labels. On the last day of school, we’ll open our time capsules and have the kids do the EXACT same activity!! It’ll be so much fun to see how much they grow and change this year!!
I know it’s late, but if you want to tuck this little activity away for another year, click on the pic to download.
I was terrible about documenting the week’s events, but honestly…I was too busy to capture any Kodak moments anyway. I know y’all know EXACTLY what I’m talkin’ about! The highlight of my week was this gorgeous arrangement from Mr. Spouse. That sweet man does this every.dang.year and every year it surprises the gravy out of me!!! Love that man!!!
If I wasn’t so tired, I’d stay up to share more :) It’s bed-thirty and I’ve gotta get some sleep before one of my boys decides to wake up 5 times in the middle of the night. It’s inevitable. Every time I NEED sleep, I’m up ALL dang night chasing monsters out of closets and scaring away the boogeyman. Dangit. I’ll leave you with this darling picture one of my sweeties drew for me today….
I about FELL.OUT. I don’t know what my face was saying, but bless her heart…she was all, “You can tell it’s a vase, right?!?!?!?” And I was all, “OF COURSE, sweetie!!! That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking!!!!” HA!!!!!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Free For All Friday!
Today’s the last day for Teacher Week over at Blog Hoppin’ and today’s theme is freebies!!! Who doesn’t love a good freebie, right?! Here are a few that I featured in some of my classroom pics.
I’ve gotten a lot of emails about my “Writer’s Eye” wall. Here are the printables :) I can’t take ANY credit for this idea…I definitely “borrowed” it from Mrs. Phippen after seeing it on Pinterest!!! I just had to have my own little version to fit my classroom theme :)
Graphics courtesy of Scrappin’ Doodles
Here’s a little “Sorry We Missed You” clip chart to hang outside of your door. I realize that a lot of you may not need some of the choices. Due to copyright with the graphics I won’t be able to send you the Word version for you to edit, so if you want me to change something up for you, just holler at me & I’ll be happy to send a new one your way :)
Graphics courtesy of Scrappin’ Doodles
Here’s my Hollywood themed clip chart! The kids are LOVING this!!! They’re working SO hard to have an Oscar Worthy day!!!
Graphics courtesy of Scrappin’ Doodles
In keeping with the Hollywood theme, here’s my Hollywood themed job chart! We aren’t starting these roles until next week and the kids are on pins and needles waiting to start!
Graphics courtesy of Scrappin’ Doodles
Here’s a little breakdown of how the job chart works…
Assistant Director is my little assistant. Key grip is in charge of keeping our classroom library and book baskets organized and neat. Cleaning crew is in charge of keeping the classroom tidy. The lighting crew is in charge of saving energy! The prop director is in charge of supplies…keeping pencils sharpened, passing out markers/crayons/glue/paper/etc. The set director is in charge of keeping chairs pushed in, making sure pillows/bean bags/little carpets are in their spots, etc. The script deliverer is in charge of taking papers/notes to the office or other classrooms. The lead actor is in charge of helping the other “actors” with their “lines”…he/she helps the other kids in the classroom if there’s something they need. The stand-in is in charge of filling in for the kids who aren’t on set to do their jobs. The extras are on set to help the other kids with their duties.
Here are some book basket numbered labels. Don’t know if y’all can use these, but I label all my book baskets with these numbers and then label my books with the same numbers…that way I know where all my books belong!
Now that I’m looking at them, I’m pretty sure they could be used for a little math tub activity, too…one-to-one correspondence, ordering numbers, missing number, etc…
Speaking of math, here’s a little activity we’re doing next week in one of our tubs! One of our objectives is to read/write numbers to describe/name sets, so this one fits pretty perfectly. And I LOVE for my babies to practice their fine motor skills this time of year, too, so they’re getting a little math/fine motor practice in at the same time!
Here’s a little “To Do” list. I cut these in half , three hole punch them, and then keep ‘em in my planning binder so I can keep track of what I need to do/make/organize as I’m planning for the following week!
Graphics courtesy of Scrappin’ Doodles
Finally, here’s a sheet I use for student documentation. Right now, I’m using this for mostly behavior observations/concerns and beginning of year informal observations/assessments. I’ll modify this once we start guided reading and math/reading conferences.
I’ll be back later this weekend with a first week recap and more printables!! If you’re looking for even MORE printables, head on over to Blog Hoppin’ and check out all the freebies that are linked up! And while you’re there, link up your freebies, too!!
TGIF, sweet friends!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I Love You…But Sometimes I Really Don’t Like You At All
Blogger and I have a love/hate relationship. Right now, we’re more on the hate side of things. While Blogger has brought me a daily list of “must reads”, it’s also made it absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for me to comment on those very same blogs. Gosh darnit!!! If you have a blog with a comment box that looks like this….
I can’t comment on your blog :( I found this out the other day when I wrote this super detailed note on Mrs. Tabb’s blog {who I just found via Pinterest…LOVE} and then it bounced me off her blog and gave me this dang pop-up…
I had to stalk her on Facebook so that I could leave her a message!! HA!! The same thing happened to me when I tried to comment on sweet Amanda’s blog. Wrote a lengthy comment, clicked “post”, and then that dang pop up box again!! I had to email her instead :)
The only blogs I apparently have access to comment on are blogs with comment boxes like this…
The reason I’m bringing this up is because I’ve found SO many amazing blogs through Teacher Week over at Blog Hoppin’ and I SO badly want to leave comments on them, but I can’t!!!!
If you have any techie advice for me…or if you can tell me why Blogger hates me so much…let me know!!!
Don’t forget to stop by Blog Hoppin’ today and read my post “Three For Thursday” and then link up your three favorites, too!!
I’ll be back tomorrow with lots of {free} printables!!! Now I’m off to a little girls night out with some of my favorites for a GENDER REVEAL!!! Aaaahhh!! SO excited!!! And even more excited it’s not mine!! HA!! {Kidding…but only a little ;)}
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Where It All Goes Down…A Little Classroom Tour
On the backside of my math shelf is my word work shelf. Found this little baby at a resale shop for $9, brought her home, & spray painted her pink :) Next to the word work shelf is my sink area. I keep all my personal supplies in the cabinets and the pencil sharpener sits in the sink area.
On the opposite side of my SmartBoard is my little Sounding Board :) I got these darling sound posters from Mrs. Jump’s blog :) When we start our chunks/words of the week, the words/chunks will be put in the middle and changed every week!!
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